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Understanding Google Penalty Recovery

Google has been changing its algorithm that affects the world of digital marketing. With the rollout of Google Penguin and Google Panda, many things have changed for websites vying with each other to rank high in Google search results pages. However, since Google consistently changes its algorithm, many websites’ rankings have taken a serious hit. Hence, the focus now is more on avoiding penalties by Google or getting significantly affected by the algorithm changes.

Thankfully, you can always depend on Autus Digital for efficient and effective Google penalty removal service. Our service related to Google penalty removal can ensure your website does not get penalized or fall down the search rankings.

If your website has been affected either by Google Penguin or Google Panda, the first thing to do is to stop panicking. Instead, you need to find the best Google penalty removal service that can help your online business surge ahead.

In case your site has been hit by Google’s algorithm penalty or a manual penalty, we have the right solution for you. We will create a customized penalty removal plan for you that will help your website recover and get back on the right track.

Google Penalties List

Below are few points that should be considered to avoid Google penalties –

  • 1

    Paid Links:

    In case you have been buying bad links, it will significantly slide down your site ranking.

  • 2

    Too Many Reciprocal Links:

    Too Many non relevant reciprocal links can actually penalize your site.

  • 3

    Duplicate & Scrapped Content:

    Copied content can also lead to penalizing your site.

Google Penalties List

  • 4

    Footer Links:

    Excessive site navigation links in the footer can also spam the website.

  • 5

    Keyword Stuffing:

    Stuffing of keywords is considered a serious offence by Google.

  • 6

    Excessive SEO:

    In SEO, quality plays a more critical role than quantity.

Google Penalties List

We take pride in being the leading Google penalty removal service. We have been helping businesses that have been hit by Google SEO penalties. If you are looking to recover from the penalty, we have just what it takes to turn around your business.

Our services related to Google penalty removal include the following:

  • 01

    Google Manual Penalty:

    We take a fine-toothed comb to scour your website to manually check whether you have been penalized by Google. We not only check your content but also the links. This allows us to ascertain the quality of the content and type of links your site has. Our experts are then able to pinpoint the problems, and offer you the right solutions.

  • 02

    Bad Links Removal:

    In case the links on your website are not organic and natural, we will recommend getting rid of them. However, the first step is to figure out which links are causing you to get Google SEO penalties. We work on your behalf, and open a line of communication with other website owners to remove your links from their site. We ensure we handle this time-consuming task in a delicate manner, and leave you to focus on your business.

  • 03

    Algorithmic Penalty

    It is essential that our experts at Autus Digital check a few things to determine why you are being penalized by Google. It is prudent to remember that Google uses a few filters to determine whether a website is in violation of its guidelines. We work to figure this out using the myriad tools we have. Once we know the areas that are causing your website to incur Google’s wrath, we will provide you with apt solutions.

  • 04

    Upload Bad Backlink Disavow:

    In case we are unable to get other site owners to cooperate and remove the bad backlinks to your website, it will be necessary to disavow these links. Once this is done, it informs Google that your site is disavowing bad backlinks, and hence, Google overlooks these sites when ranking your website. This can be a tedious, challenging, and time-consuming task, and it is best left to the professionals at Autus Digital.

With Autus Digital, you are guaranteed to get the best and most effective Google penalty removal service. Contact us today to learn more about this service and the different types of Google SEO penalties packages that can have a profound effect on your business.

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